We give your clothes a second life

KSecond-hand clothing containers are designed for clothes – above all for clothes in good condition, because only such clothes in unaltered form can be recycled and given a new life. The containers are easily accessible, positioned at major traffic points, so you can dispose of your unnecessary garments in a quick, simple and ethical way.
All textiles that end up in the containers are given a second life – every year we put an average of 84 million kilograms of clothing into second circulation. Thanks to us, clothes do not become waste that remains in landfills, but are one hundred per cent recycled to serve people again.


What do you benefit from?

  • You increase real savings

    Your wallet benefits from donating clothes to the containers, as you pay for every kilo of what you throw in the rubbish bin in the 'rubbish tax'.

  • You support the Eco TextilFoundation

    By donating garments to the containers you are helping people in need. Part of the profit from the management of the second-hand clothes goes to the Eco Textil Foundation, which runs free rental services for specialised rehabilitation medical devices for people with disabilities.

  • You support the Polish Red Cross financially

    For each kilo of clothing that goes into the container, the Polish Red Cross, which is a social partner of Wtórpol, receives funds that it allocates to its statutory activities - including improving the quality of life of the poorest families.

What does the environment benefit?

  • Bringing clothing into reuse

    The best quality clothes are sent unchanged to the second hand shops of the TekStylowo network or for export. Factory cleaning clothes and alternative fuel will be created from damaged clothes.

  • Reducing burdensome waste

    All textiles that end up in containers are given a second life - every year, we put an average of 84 million kilograms of clothing into second circulation. There is no more eco-friendly measure than extending the life of resources that have already been manufactured.

  • Sourcing alternative energy sources

    What was until recently considered waste for which no use was found and which ended up in landfills has become an energy resource with a value no less than that of coal or other minerals.

What can be disposed of in the container?

  • clothing

  • shoes

  • home textiles

  • toys

  • accessories

What happens to the clothes given to the container?

TekStylowo shops

Second circulation, a new home for your unnecessary clothing


Good-quality clothes for the foreign market

Alternative fuel

A new source of energy from old clothes

Cleaning cloths

Cotton cleaning cloths for machines

The container is a place not only for damaged clothes but, above all, for those in good condition - only then can they fully gain a second life

The second circulation of clothing is just three simple steps

Do an overview of your wardrobe and choose your clothes

Choose clothes, shoes, accessories that you no longer need. Check all your pockets, remember to tie your shoes with laces, and pack items consisting of several items in one bag. You do not have to sort them by quality-we will do it for you!

Take items to the container

Clothes, shoes, toys and home textiles arrive at our sorting plant from over 60,000 second-hand clothing containers. Wtórpol’s operations not only save clothes from the landfill, but also contribute to reducing rubbish! If a container is overfilled – let us know. Do not leave clothes next to the container – they may be damaged.

Textiles will receive a second life

The clothing you provide will be given a second life and your donation will make a real difference in helping people in need. The best quality clothes go unchanged to the second hand shops of the TekStylowo network. We export some of the good quality clothes, selected according to the requirements of the recipient, to Africa and Asia. Clothing that cannot otherwise be used is recycled.

What can I dispose of in the containers?

Second-hand clothing containers are used for the collection of clothing and other household textiles. You can throw in any unnecessary clothing, paired shoes, headgear, plush toys, bedding, curtains and net curtains, handbags, belts and other clothing accessories.


What not to put in the container

Second-hand clothing containers are used for the collection of second-hand clothing. Upholstery cuttings, municipal waste or anything else should not be thrown into the containers. We collect and return unnecessary clothes to the economy. We kindly ask you not to leave bags of clothes next to the containers. They may be dislodged by animals or get wet, in which case they will only be suitable for disposal. If the container is full, it is a good idea to let us know – the telephone numbers are on the container and on our website. It is often the case that people leave clothes next to the bin to save themselves the trouble of dropping them in. It is worth checking that the container is actually full.

Do my clothes go to the needy?

They do, although usually not directly. Nowadays, access to clothes is not the issue. It is usually the lack of money for treatment, rehabilitation and medical devices. For years, Wtórpol has been donating needed clothes, bedding and footwear free of charge to night shelters and other centres with a similar profile, as well as to animal shelters. However, only a small part of the clothes that are disposed of can be used in this way. Wtórpol, thanks to the processing of clothing that goes into special containers, is able to fund a wide range of charitable activities for the disabled, the sick and senior citizens. Anyone who just donates redundant clothes to us, without reaching into their own wallet, helps the poor and the needy.

What can I do if I see a dirty, damaged or overfilled container?

In case where they bear a logo of the Eco Textil Foundation, please report such cases by telephone or by sending an SMS to the number specific to each voivodship. The hotlines are listed below:

Dolnośląskie – 507-614-231.
Kujawsko -Pomorskie – 507-614-246
Lubelskie – 507-614-241.
Lubuskie – 507-614-250.
Łódzkie – 507-614-287.
Małopolskie – 507-614-133.
Mazowieckie – 507-614-139.
Opolskie – 507-614-231
Podkarpackie – 507-614-073
Pomorskie – 507-614-175
Podlaskie – 507-614-216
Śląskie – 507-614-154
Świętokrzyskie – 507-614-185
Warmińsko -Mazurskie – 507-614-182
Wielkopolskie – 507-614-177
Zachodniopomorskie –507-614-080.

Do you see a dirty, damaged or overfilled container?

Let us know about it

  • Dolnośląskie
  • Kujawsko-pomorskie
  • Lubelskie
  • Lubuskie
  • Łódzkie
  • Małopolskie
  • Mazowieckie
  • Podkarpackie
  • Pomorskie
  • Podlaskie
  • Śląskie
  • Świętokrzyskie
  • Warmińsko -Mazurskie
  • Wielkopolskie
  • Zachodnio-Pomorskie
  • Opolskie
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