Polish Red Cross (PCK)
For each kilogram of clothes that ends up in the second-hand clothing containers marked with the Eco Textil Foundation or the Polish Red Cross (PCK) symbol, the Polish Red Cross, which is a social partner of Wtórpol, receives financial resources that it allocates to its statutory activities – including improving the quality of life of the neediest families.
The Polish Red Cross supports Wtórpol in acquiring unnecessary clothes by collecting textiles to specially marked containers located throughout the country. Funds obtained from the sale of collected clothes, bedding or toys are used by the Polish Red Cross to support aid and educational projects and current statutory activities. What is important, the proceeds from the sale of textiles in a given voivodship will be allocated to local activities of Polish Red Cross. Those leaving clothes in the containers thus help those in need in their neighbourhood.
Along with the Polish Red Cross, we implement many educational, environmental and charitable projects – stationary rental shops of specialised medical rehabilitation equipment, donation of tricycles for people in need – to name just a few.
One of the most spectacular projects was the organisation of the first ever Tour de Pologne ride by people with disabilities on tricycles. During the 76th edition of the greatest cycling event in Poland, the charges of the Eco Textil Foundation operating at Wtórpol rode a special stage a few hours before the final entry of the cyclists.
The organisation of the ride was intended to show that people with disabilities can spend time actively and join in sporting activities. The event was also a way of thanking people who donate redundant clothes and textiles to specially marked containers.
The unique event has been communicated by many local and national media, as well as local government representatives through the intermediary of their social media channels. Publications have appeared even before the race, but the real culmination has occurred after the event. In total, almost 50 pieces of material have appeared online, in the press and on the television.
Have a look at what this special day looked like! We hope you will see the same smile on your faces as on the faces of our wonderful cyclists while